czwartek, 13 czerwca 2013

Recenzja produktów od (product review)

Moi drodzy! Przyszła ta chwila, kiedy mam przyjemność recenzować produkt rodzimej marki. SPELLCROW i ich orcze odlewy. W recenzji poniżej...

For all the English speaking / reading folk, my review below:

SPELLCROW is a polish manufacturer of Fantasy and Sci-Fi miniatures and bits. Not sure when they opened the business exactly, but so far they have achieved a high quality of their products and are keeping an excellent level of customer service.

What I purchased from them is as follows:
Orks Mechanical Claws - 8.00 Euros
Orc Doctor - 10.90 Euros
Bulky Orcs Cyber Heads - 8.00 Euros

The package was reasonably priced. I paid very little for local postage. Items were delivered in a cardboard box with some styrofoam bits to protect them from squishing.

On all of the elements you can see amazingly crisp detail. There are no bubbles whatsoever! I would say at time there's too much resin, but it can be easily removed. There are plenty of "tags" marked, so it's easier for you to realise which part to get rid off and which one should say.

The arms on the Orc Doctor have a lot of spare resin around the connection area, so there's no problem in removing it, but I must admit I was scared at first. Don't be, it was easy peasy!

Overall I am extremely impressed with the quality of the product and service. You can contact them via their FB page and they will answer shortly. Great job guys! If you asked which company should you order your bits, I would say: if you're from Poland, go ahead with Spellcrow. If not, go ahead with them anyway! 

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