niedziela, 2 listopada 2014

[WIP] Howitzer update #2 + Bastion #1


Krótki niedzielny raport z tego, co udało mi się dokonać hobbystycznie w tym tygodniu, a właściwie w weekend. Dodatkowo postępy pracy nad Bastionem i kilka zagadek z nim związanych. Zapraszam do oglądania. Filmik w języku angieslkim.


I present you a short report on my hobby progress from this week and weekend mostly. On top of the Howitzer guns I got some progress on the Bastion. I found some interesting bits about it and am picking your brains so would appreciate some feedback. Enjoy!

5 komentarzy:

  1. I think the extra part of the bastion is the escape hatch, which you can place within 12" of the bastion and counts as an access point.

    1. Oh right... that might be it! Thanks!

      And "damn it!" :) Now I need to base it to be playable.

    2. That's what that piece is for!!!!!

    3. You didn't know either, did you? :) Welcome to the club :D

    4. Well with orks, why would they need to escape? Just lock them in the bastion forever. :)
