niedziela, 28 grudnia 2014

[Militaria] PzKpfw I Ausf. B


Przedstawiam wam jedną ze swoich słabości, a mianowicie serię Wrzesień 1939. Kupuje te pudełka, leżą i się kurzą, czasami na nie popatrzę ale nigdy nic nie robię. Tym razem postanowiłem jednego dnia złapać i skończyć. Modele są małe, więc łatwo dać radę. Zacząłem zabawę od PzKpfw I Ausf. B. Nie martwię się o super zgodność historyczną, po prostu chcę fajnie złożyć model i jeśli uda mi się przy nim czegoś nauczyć (pigmenty) to tym lepiej.


I present you one of my guilty pleasures which is September 1939 series. I buy these boxes, put them away and they stay there for a long time. I look at them from time to time, but that's it. This time however I took one out and decided to complete it within one day. The models are quite small so there should be no problem. I also do not pay special attention to historical accuracy, I just want these models on my shelves and if I can test some techniques on them (pigments) even better.

Figurkowy Karnawał Blogowy vol. 4 - Motywacja / Motivation

Tym razem postanowiłem wziąć udział w FKB, bo temat zacny a i czasu jakoś chwilę znalazłem. Tak więc:


Skąd biorę zasoby swojej motywacji? Trudno wskazać jedno źródło, ale na pewno jest to widok ukończonego oddziału, domalowanego szefa, bossa, skończonego elementu terenu, zbudowanego stołu. Jednak jeśli chodzi o motywację płynącą z wnętrza, to jednak największy wpływ ma zbliżająca się gra, turniej czy pokaz. 
Dowodem na to mogą być dwa oddziały, Nob Bikerów i Deffkopt, które pomalowałem w ciągu dwóch tygodniu, od podstaw, tylko po to, aby przygotować się na odbywające się turnieje.

Jeśli chodzi o motywację zewnętrzną, czyli to co motywuje mnie poza moim wewnętrznym głosem mówiącym, "no dalej, no dalej", to na pewno przeglądanie różnistych stron, fanpejdży, blogów i zinów. Oglądając tam pomalowane figurki, konwersje czy po prostu odpicowane stoły, wiem, że sam mogę zrobić to na podobnym poziomie, albo chociaż się postarać. To zawsze pcha do działania.

Tyle teorii, ale co z praktyką? Jak to wygląda w typowe środowe czy tam piątkowe popołudnie? Kiedy zabieram się do pędzla? Ano wygląda to różnie... projektów, jak chyba każdy, mam tysiąc na raz. Figurki leżą w pudełkach, w różnym stanie rozwoju (lub niedorozwoju) a ja skaczę z kwiatka na kwiatek, jak pszczoła z ADHD i na dodatkowo na ostrym koksie. 

Przykład? Pamiętacie Mek Gunz, które robiłem jakiś czas temu? Sześć na raz! Wooow... leża odłogiem. Kupiłem 20 Stormboyzów... ci jeszcze się nie urodzili. I tak dalej i tak dalej. Nie wspomnę o Tau, czy Blood Angels / Flesh Tearers. 
Ale jednak zawsze jest coś, ta chwila, kiedy mam moment refleksji, wyjmuję pudełko i pcham któryś projekt do przodu. A to pomaluje terminatorom naramienniki, a to pomaluje białym podkładem przyszłe czerwone elementy ciężarówek orkowych, a to skompletuje 15 dron lub 5 Deffkopt (kolejne pięć), i tak dalej i tak dalej.

Pewnie to mnie trzyma przy tym hobby i nie pozwala mi się znudzić. Bo pamiętajmy: motywacja motywacją, ale żadne zadanie, ćwiczenie czy zajęcie nie powinno nudzić! Motywacja nas przyciąga, ale to mnogość opcji i możliwości nas, a przynajmniej mnie, trzyma.

No... rozpisałem się ;)

In our local polish blogosphere, we have got this thing going on called Miniature Blog Carnival. This time around it's about motivation, and I decided to write few words. Have a read through if you can be bothered.


Where does my motivation come from? I must say it will be very difficult to point to one thing and one thing only, but it surely is the finished project, whether it's a unit, a single model or some piece of terrain. But to be more precise, when it comes to an inner motivation, it must be an upcoming game or a tourney.
To prove it you can see I painted two units, Nob Bikers and Deffkoptas, which have been completed within a space of two weeks.

When it comes to an external motivation, besides my inner voice saying "keep it up, keep it up", I think it's all the blogs, website and fanpages I visit now and then. Looking at amazingly painted models or finished bits of terrain I know I can do a similar job or do my best at matching it. This always keep me going.

But that's all the theory I get for you. What about the real life scenario of the typical Wednesday or Friday evening? Well... it differs... As all of us, I got plenty of projects going on at the same time, I jump from one to the other, they are at various stages of disrepair and completion. I behave like a ADHD bee on speed.

Example? Remember the Mek Gunz I decided to do? Six of them at the same time? Wooow... welll no, they are there waiting for me. I bought 20 Stormboyz ... these are not even assembled. And so on and so on... Not to mention Tau or my Blood Angels / Flesh Tearers.
But there is always something I come back to, when I have this moment... I take out a box and push the project forward. Either I paint some shoulder pads of my Flesh Tearers termies, undercoat red to be elements of the trukk, assemble 15 Tau drones or 5 Deffloptas (different ones), and I keep going.

This is probably the thing that keeps me going and does not allow any boredom. Cause remember: motivation is what drags us to act, but diversity keeps us from getting bored and chucking it all in the corner! At least this is the way it works for me.

piątek, 19 grudnia 2014

WD #47: Hunt for the Arkenstone


W tym tygodniu mamy numer w większości poświęcony Hobbitowi i Warhammerowi Fantasy, ale jest teżsmaczek dla nas 40tkowiczów. Zaczynijmy od tego, że jest to pierwszy numer, w którym nie ma żadnych nowości prezentowanych, więc możemy spodziewać się większej ilości wartościowych treści. Tia...


This week we have got an issue that is mostly dedicated to the Hobbit and Warhammer Fantasy, but there is little something for us, 40k fans. Let's begin with the fact, that this is the first issue without any new releases, so it should be full of good quality content. It should...

czwartek, 18 grudnia 2014

[WIP] Death Company from Deathstorm for my Flesh Tearers #5


Po kilku dniach ciężkiej pracy i innych zajęć... które niestety pozostawiały mi maksymalnie po jednej godzinie czasu na hobby, można powiedzieć, że zakończyłem temat pierwszego członka Death Company dla moich Flesh Tearers. Oto efekty.


After few days of hard work and other activities... which left me with maybe one hour of me time at most every day, I have sort of closed the topic of the first Death Company for my Flesh Tearers. Here are the results.

Co po niektórzy wiedzą jakie mam podejście do malowania, a mianowicie, zostawiam mało istotne detale na później, kiedy to cały oddział będzie gotowy do wykończenia, a ja będę miał więcej czasu.
Teraz, kiedy to już wypracowałem sobie metody malowania poszczególnych elementów, mogę malować grupowo. Rozpocząłem prace nad trzema kolejnymi.

As some of you may know my way of painting, some minor details are left behind, to be done, when the whole squad is done and I have more free time.
Now, that I have worked out ways of painting each bit on these suckers, I can start batch painting. Next up I got three coming.

piątek, 12 grudnia 2014

WD #46: Shred 'Til They're Dead!


Another week, another White Dwarf from Games Workshop. Here's what's inside:

grot, orderly, games, workshop, blood, angels, flesh, tearers, white, dwarf

Blood Angels
  • A release of the new Terminator Assault Squad and a Librarian
  • Shield of Baal: Exterminatus in slipcased two-volume hardback and eBook and iBook editions. This is a last installment of the Shield of Baal: Laviathan and Shield of Baal: Deathstorm campaign. Blood Angels and Flesh Tearers fighting of Tyranids. It contains eight missions, 18 datasheets, Relics and Warlord Traits for Angels, Tearers and (!) Necton Mephrit Dynasty!
  • Ruuuleees! I think the game is selling poorly if they are including the basic ruleset into the WD, together with two scenarios and hero profiles and example army lists.
  • Some models, who cares?

The Phodian Mind War

  • A eight pages long battlereport (don't get exited, it's mostly pictures) of a game between Blood Angels and Flesh Tearers versus Tyranids. You can see how all the new toys look on the table and how they fare in the game as well.

Paint Splatter

  • Painting Mephrit Dynasty from Exterminatus as well as painting Flesh Tearers

grot, orderly, games, workshop, blood, angels, flesh, tearers, white, dwarf

The Rules

  • Flesh Tearers Vanguard Strike Force that gets special rules like: Leading by Example (can do disordered charges without penalties) and Red Thirst (+1 to Initiative in the first round of combat).

grot, orderly, games, workshop, blood, angels, flesh, tearers, white, dwarf

Issue 47

  • Brand new minigames
  • Exclusive Exterminatus datasheets
  • Free Cities of Death Tactical Objectives

grot, orderly, games, workshop, blood, angels, flesh, tearers, white, dwarf

wtorek, 9 grudnia 2014

[WIP] Death Company from Deathstorm for my Flesh Tearers #4

Welcome to day four of Death Company / Flesh Tearers lot.

Today, I have managed to recoat the Rhinos, paint the reds and do some detailing. Still a lot of stuff ahead of me, but there's progress.

I have also managed to put some paint on one of the DC marines. How do you like the red so far?

As always, please leave your comments down below and join me on my Facebook page.

[WIP] Death Company from Deathstorm for my Flesh Tearers #3


I have been considerably busy with the Death Company today. Among other things like going out for a pint (or four) and assisting my wife with stuff. Anyhoo, I have managed to drill and mount all the magnets / nails in the DC Assault Squad and even assemble a Librarian Dread.

Yes, I know they are missing the shoulder pads, but I still need to cast some and wait for some to arrive in the mail.

So, the whole ten man squad is fully magentized (except for the heads, I see no point in that) and the dread has the arms not glued (but that's a standard, right?). I will assemble the other one as the DC Dread, just because I love it!

I also will be reworking two Rhinos I have got to be in Flesh Tearers colours. Paint going on these soon!

niedziela, 7 grudnia 2014

[WIP] Death Company from Deathstorm for my Flesh Tearers #2


Day two of my Death Company assembly. I keep using magnets to make the most of the kit. Assuming that the unit is going to be in the new codex the same as in the campaign supplement, I went for bolters first. That should give me 20 shots before charging (Relentless makes you able to rapid fire), and will be also useful in overwatch situations, in case I fail my charge. When you think that 40 attacks is not enough, they will mostly be accompanied by a Chaplain, that gives them re-rolls To Hit and To Wound. Quite a powerful blow.

Anyway, let's have a look at how I managed to magnetise the hands.
Since I have a limited amount of small magnets, I decided to use small nails and use them in the arms (as these can be interchanged later on). So, another time to drill some. Here's a step by step:

I start with a smallest drill (1mm) do drill guide holes in both arms and the torso.

Then I make it wider with another drill (2mm I think).

Then with the final drill, which is the same diameter as my magnets I drill the holes in the torso.

And some sink holes for the nails.

This is the idea behind all this screwing around

This pair of arms had no sink holes (a mistake!) and they stick out just a bit. Not a big problem.

Magnets in the torso. It's best to dry fit them to see if they can fit in the gap. Then a bit of super glue and a non metallic bit to slide them in.

That's the dude with arms on. As you can see you can pose them.

And the three I have done so far. It takes some time I tell you.

So, this is it for today I think. I will continue to assemble them. I will post a pic of them all assembled on my Facebook page, so go over there to be up to date if you wish to do so.

Till later!

[WIP] Death Company from Deathstorm for my Flesh Tearers #1


I have taken the minis out of the box today to give them some love. I have decided I do not want to be stuck with either jump packs or no jump packs, thus I moved on to my magnets box and started working.

First, I have cut out and mounted the legs onto the painting holders.

Then I have carefully drilled, glued and mounted the torsos on the legs.

As you can see they all got magnets placed instead of the little glueing nob under the back pack.

Jump packs and back packs already assembled received a magnet each.

So I get the option (depending on the new Blood Angels codex or Flesh Tearers supplement).

Just in case they cannot make up their minds, they can take both of the packs with them (for some reason magnets work even through plastic, didn't know I bought them THAT strong).

And that's the whole lot, ten of them. Now I need to figure out the weapon kits.

Till later gang!

sobota, 6 grudnia 2014

Deathstorm: Units and Formations


Trying to look through the supplement for you, piece by piece. I hope you are enjoying those posts.

This time around I had a look at the unique formations conatined in the campaign supplement, Shield of Baal: Deathstorm, as well as all entries. As you know, we are receiving seven entries and two formation (mixture of 5 for Blood Angels and 4 for Tyranids). I will not go into too much detail (like statlines) due to obvious reasons, but will give you and overview. Let's start with the Blood Angels, shall we?

Captain Karlaen

A terminator captain with an already assigned Strategic Genius warlord trait. He has counter attack special rule and wields a Relic of Baal - The Hammer of Baal which is a Specialist, Uwieldly and Master-crafted weapon. Comes in at 160 points.

Squad Alphaeus

Five terminators with a sargeant. They have to wield one heavy flamer, one combination of storm bolter and chainfist and two combinations of strom bolter and power fists. Sarge, who prefers to kill Tyranids, is carrying as storm bolter and a power sword. This is the most generic squad of terminators you have seen. Well, it could have an assault cannon. Price tag - 215 points.

Raphen's Death Company

Another unit of five dudes, this time the crazed assault marines. Their captain, Raphen, carries a thunder hammer and a bolt pistol, rest of them have a mixture of chainswords, power fists and inferno pistols, etc. Each of them different kit. They will cost you 210 points.

Cassor the Damned

Dreadnaught with two blood talons and a meltagun and a storm bolter. He feels rage and is furios at charge. His armour will also ignore Shaken and Stunned effects. 140 points.

Strike Force Deathstorm

Now you know where the boxset name came from! Uses all models from Blood Angels faction with two special rules giving them Fearless or Counter-attack if they already were Fearless. The other one is the ability of Karlaen to enable all memebers to re-roll failed to wound rolls.

Now let's move on to Tyranids, three unti entries and a formation.

The Children of Cryptus

Eight genestealers and a Broodlord, who is also a psyker and a warlord with prefered enemy thingy. 215 points.

Phodian Hive Warriors

Three warriors with mixed gear: pair of scything talons with either a venom canon or boneswords and one with rending claws, lash whip and a bonesword. They come with interesting special rules, one saying that they do not suffer penalty from charging through difficult terrain and the other making all difficult terrain within 12" of that unit a dangerous terrain. 170 points.

The Beast of Phodia

Nothing beats a carnifex. And a carnifex with a Hammer of Wrath that just doesn't want to die... nothing gets even close to hurting it. It's dirt cheap too, 170 points.

Phodian Annihilation Swarm

All the above Tyranid entries with two special rules. One giving them Stealth or Shrouded (if already Stealthy enough). The other giving them Preferred Enemy as long as the Broodlord / Spawn of Cryptus is alive.

So this is it. These are the units / formations. Take it or leave, or even buy the box, since now you know what to expect!

Follow the links below to read more:

Deathstorm: The Missions

Deathstorm: A Closer Look

piątek, 5 grudnia 2014

Deathstorm: The Missions


So in the new campaign supplement we get three missions. I will quickly go through them and let you know what I think about them.

Mission 1 - Hunters in the Dark

  • In this mission you are limited to use only Captain Karlaen and the five terminators versus eight genestealers and you play the game on a very weird table, 72"x24" and you start on the short edges. As you can imagine, your mission is to get the Captain from one edge to another.
  • There are three special rules stating that the farthest you can shoot is 18", if you start your turn 6" away from the Exit table edge you can leave and win and the last, the most important is the one about genestealers going into Ongoing Reserves when they die. What's more, they will enter from the Blood Angels table edge on a roll of 1-2, 3-4 from the Exit table edge and 5-6 by Deep Strike. The game ends when the captain either leaves the table or dies.

I think that this mission is a breath of fresh air and it can (and probably will) be used to introduce new players to the game. Make the table shorter (48"), deployment narrower (12") and you can use it in your shop as an intro game or on any tournament for all the onlookers to "have a go".
When it comes to the seasoned players, it can be used as a short beer and pretzels break from big and tiresome games.

Mission 2 - Storm of Blood

  • This mission allows more models than the previous one. After escaping the dark, Captain Karlaen is joined by a squad of the Death Company and the Dreadnaught (plus the terminators from the previous one). They face a huge force of Tyranids consisting of a carnifex, three tyranid warriors and eight genestealers. You play on a 48"x48" table with Blood Angels deploying 6" from the center and Captain Karlaen being an objective marker.
  • There are certain arrangements on what can start the game and in what kind of deployment, ie. carnifex and the dread start in reserves (but will be able to arrive from any table edge), Death Company in Deep Strike. During first turn terminators are pinned in the center. The game is played according to Variable Game Length.

This is clearly a sruvival kind of mission. Blood Angels have to retrieve their captain and bring him back to their deployment zone. There's not much of a twist in this mission and I would score it the lowest of all three.

Mission 3 - Shadow of the Beast

  • In this mission players are allowed to use all models contained in the boxset. You play on a normal 6'x4' table and again, Blood Angels deploy 6" from the center and Tyranids 3" from all edges. Genestealers have Infiltrate. Nothing can go into reserves. The game is played according to Variable Game Length.
  • Special rules on play are that all Tyranids except for the Broodlord go into Ongoing Reserves when they die and that captian has Rage.

The aim of this mission is to score as many VP as possible. Players get 3 VPs for captain Karlaen (dead or alive - depending on the side) and 1VP for each Space Marine (dead or alive - depending on the side). This looks like a normal 40k mission but it still can't be played competetively. More like Space Hulk - you go as Blood Angels, then I go as them.

In the next installment I will go through the formations conatined in the campaign supplement.

Follow the links below to read more:

Deathstorm: A Closer Look

Deathstorm: Units and Formations

Deathstorm: A Closer Look


As you all know we have the sons of Sanguinius are getting a new codex, some new minis and most importantly new campaign. Shield of Baal part two! With all that going on I have noticed, that Flesh Tearers are getting metnioned far too often to get omitted by some supplement. At least that's what I'm hoping for.

In the light of the above, I have purchased two boxes of Deathstorm and sold everything I do not need to bolster up my Flesh Tearers - one captain and terminators and the whole lot of Tyranids. I have left only two Furiosos and 10 man Death Company squad plus one Captain.

Rest assured, I will be posting some progress pics as soon as I get them assembled. But the question is, should I buy the BA codex? Got the magic cards. Will I be able to use them with FT? This will not make any sense...

Anyway... let's have a closer look on what's in the box before I shipe everything out.

The models

What we get in the box:
  • 1 Blood Angels Terminator Captain
  • 1 Furioso Dreadnaught
  • 5 Death Company Space Marines
  • 5 Space Marine Terminators
  • 1 Broodlord
  • 8 Genestealers
  • 3 Tyranid Warriors
  • 1 Carnifex.
The models are exactly what you get in their boxed counterparts. Except for the Captain and the Broodlord. Space Marine looks like he's dancing and Broodlord is based on the model from the Space Hulk (just a change of hands and the base).

The books

We get a mini rulebook, with a Blood Angel on the cover. That's the only difference. It's well done, as always.
We also get a campaign supplement with Shield of Baal: Deathstorm. It contains plenty of background information on the goings on in the Cryptus System and very nice two page artworks. On top of that it also contains:
  • galleries of very nicely painted models from the boxset
  • three missions to play with all the models (here's a catch: tables that they use are: 72"x24", 48"x48" and 72"x48")
  • formations for both Blood Angels and Tyranids (same as in the Stormclaw, no special rules though)
  • wargear for both factions and special rules and psychic powers for Tyranids
It's a well done book with full colour pages. Well worth the money.

All in all I really am glad that I spent the money for the sets. The miniatures are worth their money for both Blood Angel and Tyranid players. Also, you get a book and the rule book for free.
Go and get it if you still can, if you collect or want to collect the armies.

Follow the links below to read more:

Deathstorm: The Missions

Deathstorm: Units and Formations

[TT] 5x Deffkoptas - Speed Freakz


Below are pics of the Deffkoptas I have finished tonight. These are the models I have speedpainted for the tourney last month and just had to finish the details on the models. I have not spent too much time doing them, just a very basic table top quality. Anyway... the pics:

For those who ask me how I do the red colour so juicy is that I put white undercoat on all red-to-be surfaces. The same goes for yellow and green.

Please leave your comments below if you wish to do so. Also, you can join me on my Facebook page.

czwartek, 4 grudnia 2014

WD #45: They Thirst for Battle!


I have collected all confirmed news from the latest issue of the latest Games Workshop catalogue. Here's what you can find inside:

Grot, Orderly, Games, Workshop, White, Dwarf

niedziela, 30 listopada 2014

Jak malować Ultramarines / How to paint Ultramarines


Dzisiaj mam dla was gościnny występ kolegi z Łódzkie Manufactorum, w którym pokaże wam, jak malować Ultramarines na poziomie TT, czyli Table Top.


Today we have got my friend from Łódzkie Manufactorum showing us how to paint Ultramarines on TT level, Tabel Top quality.

games, workshop, tutorial, grot, orderly, łódzkie, manufactorum

sobota, 29 listopada 2014

Imperial Bastion - lights up!


So as you could see on my Facebook page, I have bought some christmass lights and decided to lighten something up. First choice was the Bastion, as it has it's inside open wide.

On the inside it does not look pretty. Even a bit more messy with the lights on...

games, workshop, bastion, grot, orderly

games, workshop, bastion, grot, orderly

But when you look at it from the outside, with the lights on in the room, you can see there are people working on the inside with their alarm lights on.

games, workshop, bastion, grot, orderly

games, workshop, bastion, grot, orderly

So, how do you guys like it? Over the top a bit? I think it looks pretty good. Leave your comments below, thanks!

WD #44: Shield of Baal: Deathstorm


So i had a look through the new WD and I must say, GW knows how to make money. Not only they are introducing new base sizes (Power Armour dudes and Jump Infantry and Broodlord) but are realeasing another boxset that makes you want to buy it straight up! Damn you GW! I hope you burn in hell! Ha!

But let's see what else is in the issue.


  • The new boxset with the new Shield of Baal campaign sort of thingy taking place in Cryptus System. Blah, blah, blah... you get 1 Blood Angels Terminator Captain, 1 Furioso Dreadnaught, 5 Death Company Space Marines, 5 Space Marine Terminators, 1 Broodlord, 8 Genestealers, 3 Tyranid Warriors and 1 Carnifex. 
  • What's more interesting are the two new base sizes: 32mm round and 75mm oval. The 32mm bases are (supposedly) for all Power Armoured and Jump Infantry units. The other, 75mm oval, is for Broodlord, so I would say bigger, smallest monstrous of some kind.
  • The box will also include the campaign book and a rulebook and a set of dice and markers and stuff.
  • Captain Karlaen - dancing terminator is pretty cool with his Thunder Hammer and a Storm Bolter at once. Very Spacehulky looking model. Same goes for The Spawn of Cryptus, very similar to the Space Hulk Broodlord.
  • With the release of the new installment of the Hobbit movie we get plenty of new models. But who cares?!
Deathstorm Novella
  • Josh Reynolds in hardback, 128 pages
Flesh of Cretacia
  • Andy Simillie in hardback, 128 pages (reediton?)
Space Marine Battles: Visions of War 
  • 52 illustrations from other BL books in hardback, 128 pages
Codex: Apocrypha
  • They touch on Necron Empire and heroic general Nemesor Zahndrekh... or something.
Heroes of the Blood
  • An insight into the history of Blood Angels.
Deathstorm (are you getting tired of that word already?)
  • Three missions based on the Cryptus System campaign, Shield of Baal.
Adapt and Conquer
  • Phodian Annihilation Swarm is used as a basis for a larger Tyranid force - how to use what you get in the box to build up to fully fledged Tyranid army.
Issue 45
  • Rules of Engagement
  • Sprues and Glue
  • On Deadly Wings they come - Blood Andels flyers?

sobota, 22 listopada 2014

Figurkowy Karnawał Blogowy. Edycja #3: Warsztat / My workbench


Przyszła kryska na przysłowiowego matyska. Pokażę wam swój warsztat. Weźcie proszę pod uwagę, że pisząc ten post, a tym bardziej robiąc fotki, po prostu wstałem, obstrykałem pokój i wrzuciłem na bloga. Nie ma tu nic pozowanego, nie ma sprzątania ani nic z tych rzeczu. Lansu nie wykryto!

Zacznijmy może od samej przestrzeni malarsko kombinacyjnej.

Tutaj w sumie dzieje się najwięcej. Jak widzicie, masa projektów. W tym momencie pracuję nad pięcioma Deffkoptami na turniej, trzema Juggernautami (Mega Armoured Nobz) z Kromlecha oraz masą innych rzeczy. Zawsze tak mam... Takie Warhammerowe ADHD.

Zaraz obok stoi moja największa zmora... szafka z projektami. Tak tak... te wszystkie pudełka to jakieś projekty. Tau, Orki lub Flesh Tearers w większości, ale są też inne jak Malifaux czy stare modele, które po prostu chcę pomalować. Jest też kilka pomalowanych, na najwyższej półce... taki motywator.

Krótka notka o drzwiach.. tak, to są tła do fotek.

Na tym oknie znajduje się wszystko, a przede wszystkim moja stacja odlewniczo-formierska. Jak potrzebuję jakichś części, to je odlewam. [Tutaj chciałem w sumie przeprosić jednego blogowicza, za olanie tematu gąsienic do Tauroxa - sory man, leń jestem i już].

W szafce mieszą się różne różności, jak kolekcja Wrzesień 1939, za którą się wezmę, obiecuję, oraz magazyny i booki, które właśnie używam. Stoi tam też środek czyszczący, którego nie używam.

Nawet moje biurko do grania / blogowania / filmów oglądania nie obeszło się bez obfociania. A tu możecie znaleźć Bastion oraz trochę Tau (dla spostrzegawczych).

Jeśli macie jakieś pytania - czekam.

English version will appear when I sober up and have another 15 minute slot (time management at its best!).

poniedziałek, 10 listopada 2014

[WIP] Howitzer update #3, Nob Bikers #1, Devil Fish #1


Kolejne sprawozdania z mojej aktywności hobbystycznej w minionym tygodniu. udało mi się skończyć pięciu załogantów od dział Howitzer firmy Kromlech. Pomalowałem budynek, który jest wzorowany trochę na manufaktorum oraz zmontowałem połamanych Nob Bikerów. Dodatkowo prezentuję pomysł na wymianę dział na Zzap Guns i Kannons i daje przedsmak kolejnej konwersji DevilFisha na orkowy DakkaJet. Wideo po angielsku. Zapraszam!


And another report on my hobby activities from the past week. Have a closer look. Video in English.

niedziela, 2 listopada 2014

[WIP] Howitzer update #2 + Bastion #1


Krótki niedzielny raport z tego, co udało mi się dokonać hobbystycznie w tym tygodniu, a właściwie w weekend. Dodatkowo postępy pracy nad Bastionem i kilka zagadek z nim związanych. Zapraszam do oglądania. Filmik w języku angieslkim.


I present you a short report on my hobby progress from this week and weekend mostly. On top of the Howitzer guns I got some progress on the Bastion. I found some interesting bits about it and am picking your brains so would appreciate some feedback. Enjoy!

Nowy pokój do grania! / New Gaming room!


Dzisiaj mam króciutki filmik prezentujący mój nowy pokój do grania. To znaczy nowy, nie nowy... odświeżony! Zmontowałem i wstawiłem stół 8x4 stopy i zapełniłem go całym zestawem terenów jakie mam na pod orędziu. Filmik w języku angielskim.


Enjoy the view on my new gaming room. More info in the video!

niedziela, 26 października 2014

[WIP] Howitzer update #1


Dzisiaj wrzucam tylko krótką informację wizualną na temat tego, co robiłem w ciągu tego weekendu. Dajcie znać w komentarzach, czy takie krótkie filmiki, to jest coś co publika chce oglądać.


Today I have got a short update on my hobby activities from this weekend.
Please let me know in the comments sections if this is something you guys would be interested in seeing.

Orks VS Howling Griffons & Marine Errant (1300pts)


Mamy dla was raport z gry, którą rozegraliśmy w sobotę. Raport jest tylko po angielsku. Zapraszam do oglądania.


We have got a video from the game we played on Saturday. Enjoy!

piątek, 24 października 2014

Usuwanie przerwy z podstawek z przerwą / Removing the slots from slot bases


Czasami zdarza się tak, że dostajemy zestaw podstawek, do modeli, które takich podstawków nie wymagają. Mnie także się to przydarzyło, w zamówieniu od Kromlecha (recenzja tutaj). Co więc począć w takiej sytuacji? Nie możemy ich tak zostawić, ponieważ nawet po zapiaskowaniu, mogą wyjść dziury i zepsuje to cały efekt fajnie pomalowanej figurki. Zaklejać Green Stuffem też niekoniecznie, bo długo schnie i trochę drogie na takie rzeczy. Guma do żucia?
Mam lepszy sposób. Zerknijcie poniżej!

Wziąłem 15 takich podstawek i przykleiłem je do góry spodem do kartonu, który został mi po czymś. Może to być nawet kartka A4, jeśli nie macie kartonu, nawet łatwiej będzie ją wyciąć. Ja akurat miałem karton. Pamiętajcie tylko, żeby zawsze, przyklejać tą część kredowaną do podstawki a porowatą do góry - do piasku. Tak oto wyglądało 15 przyklejonych podstawków.


Sometimes it does happen, that a miniature vendor will deliver / provide slot bases, to models that do not require such bases. This happened to me with the Kromlech order (review over here). What can you do in uch situation? We cannot leave them like that as after basing we will get holes and they might ruin the model as a whole. Should we Green Stuff it? Not really, it's too expensive and dry for long. Chewing gum?
I have got a better idea. Follow me!

I have taken 15 such bases and glued them upside down on a piece of cardboard. You can use a normal 80gsm A4 paper for that, I just had such thick one lying around. Just remember, if you are going to use some packaging material, to glue the glossy side down to the base. It will be harder to make glue and sand to stick to it otherwise. This is how 15 bases look like when glued down.

Następnie wycinamy je na pojedyncze sztuki:

Next, you need to cut them out roughly:

I używając ostrego narzędzia, na przykład skalpela, wycinamy jak najdokładniej się da:

And then, using something very sharp, cut out as close to the base itself as possible:

Następnie, wykorzystując gąbeczkę ścierną (dostępną w każdej Castoramie / Leroy Merlin / Praktiker) obszlifujemy boczki, aby nie wyglądały tak:

The following step is to sand them down with a sand paper sponge (available in any DIY store), so it doens't look like this:

Tylko tak (aczkolwiek tą i tak jeszcze doszlifowałem trochę):

And more like this (although this one is not perfect, I have sanded it down later):

I gotowe! Tutaj mam tylko kilka, ponieważ reszta już poszła pod figurki.

And done! This is a collection of five already done.

Jeśli uważacie, że artykuł jest przydatny, lajknijcie, plusjedynkujcie, skomentujcie lub w jakikolwiek inny sposób zaznaczcie, że właśnie tak jest. Senkjuentgudbaj!

So, if you think this article might be of any help, like it, plusone it, comment on it or give me a sign in any form you like. Keythanksbye!

czwartek, 23 października 2014

[Open Topped] Kromlech - Orc Howitzer i Goblińska Załoga


Dzisiaj prezentuję recenzję produktu Kromlecha. Zapraszam do oglądania, bez zbędnego pisania.


Today I have got a review of a product from Kromlech. Enjoy the video!

środa, 22 października 2014

40k FAQ


Jak już pewnie zdążyliście zauważyć na internetach, dzisiaj miała premierę kolejna odsłona FAQ  i errat do głównych podręczników jak i do kodeksów. Tym razem, aktualizacji doczekały się Chaos Demons, Dark Eldary, Imperial Knights, Space Wolves oraz Tau. Supplement Black Legion jak i Escalation także miały swoje aktualizacje.

Zmiany nie są ogromne, przynajmniej w Głównej Księdze Zasad. Ale na pewno zmiany tyczą się drobnch niuansów, które wyjdą podczas gry. Zapraszam do lektury.


As you probably already noticed on the interwebs, today the latest FAQs and Erratas had their premiere. The following codices had their updates: Caos Demons, Dark Eldar, Imperial Knights, Space Wolves and Tau. Black Legion and Escalation had their updates as well. 

The changes are not major in the ones I read, especially in the Main Rule Book.They are rather small, minute changes, that will change the way you play. Go on and have a read through.

środa, 15 października 2014

[Opent Toppped] MaxMini conversion bits


Mam dla was trzecią już recenzją Relaxa. Tym razem na warsztat idzie MaxMini.

Firma, jak sama przyznaje żyje głównie z zachodnich klientów, stąd adres .eu, tym niemniej istnieje również możliwość zakupu ich wyrobów za złotówki. Firma jest również znana ze sponsoringu różnych imprez związanych z grami figurkowymi. Produkują wyroby żywiczne i zaczynali od drobnych bitsów służących do konwersji, lub waloryzacji figurek jak te, które przedstawiam na fotkach poniżej.


I have got a third in the series of Relax's reviews. This time we hit the workbench with MaxMini.

The company, as they admit themselves, lives off supporting foreign clientelle, so you can be sure, that their support for UK, US and others in of highest standard. They are also widely know for supporting gaming events. They produce resing models coming back from just resin conversion bits that aid in customizing your minis or adding more value / pimpage to the existing ones. You can see some examples below.

grot, orderly, warhammer, 40k, 40000, relax, maxmini

grot, orderly, warhammer, 40k, 40000, relax, maxmini

Mankamentem z jakim się spotkałem była niedokładność spakowane paczki: dwie lewe ręce w zestawie do konwersji serwitorów poniżej, aczkolwiek jest to pewnie przypadek jeden na milion.

The draw back I have encountered was the packing of the kit: I received to left hands in the servitor pack, below, but I believe this is just one in a million incident.

grot, orderly, warhammer, 40k, 40000, relax, maxmini

Obecnie są to już nie tylko elementy, lecz również całe figurki (często uzupełnienia braków Games Workshopu, jak np tyranidzkie kokosy zagłady, czy też imperialne jetbike'i).
O ile stylistyka samodzielnie wykonywanych figurek może być w tym przypadku dyskusyjna o tyle jakość odlewów jest całkiem dobra i z pewnością nie szpeci figurek.

Right now they stock not only conversion bits but also whole minis (more often than not filling the gaps left by Games Workshop, like tyranid spores and imperial jetbikes).
The style of the minis is a matter of taste, but the cast quality will please all; the bits are very well cast and the end result definitely does bring the model to life.

grot, orderly, warhammer, 40k, 40000, relax, maxmini

Polecam wszystkim zainteresowanym zwłaszcza, że ceny nie zabijają na miejscu, jak w przypadku następnej recenzji - Scibor Miniatures.

I recommend their bits, especially that the prices are very balanced and will not swipe you off your feet like in case of Scibor Miniatures, that will get review next.