Dzisiaj mam dla was gościnny występ kolegi z Łódzkie Manufactorum, w którym pokaże wam, jak malować Ultramarines na poziomie TT, czyli Table Top.
Today we have got my friend from Łódzkie Manufactorum showing us how to paint Ultramarines on TT level, Tabel Top quality.
Oto prosty tutorial pokazujący jak pomalować Space Marine'a szybko i z dobrym rezultatem. Użyjemy najzwyklejszej figurki snap-fit.Czas: ~4h
Tabela konwersji kolorów znajduje się na końcu tutoriala.
Here's a simple tutorial on how to paint a Space Marine quickly and with good results. We will use the ordinary snap-fit mini. Time: ~4h
There is a paint conversion table at the end of this tutorial.
1. Po umyciu w wodzie z mydłem i osuszeniu figurki należy położyć podkład. Użyty został Chaos Black z Citadel.
1. After washing the mini with soap and leaving it to dry, you have to spray it with primer. Citadel Chaos Black was used.
2. Nakładamy kolor bazowy, w tym przypadku Regal Blue. Jeśli posiadasz aerograf, użyj go. Jeśli używasz pędzla, nie musisz przejmować się pomyłkami - zostaną zakryte w następnych krokach.
2. Apply the base color, in this example it's Regal Blue. If you own an airbrush, use it. If you are using a regular brush, there's no need to worry about any mistakes - they will be covered in later steps.
3. Apply the Nuln Oil wash. Again, there's no need to worry about painting other areas.
4.Time for more precision. All armour parts that are not crevices have to be carefully painted with Ultramarine Blue. It's best to use a detail brush and take your time.
5. When the armour is done, you have to emphasize the edges by highlighting them. You can do it with every single edge or (as seen below) just top edges that are lit. Hoeth Blue is a good choice, although you can use a brighter color.
6. We are (almost) done with all blue parts, soe let's take care of gold ones. First base it with Gehenna's Gold.
7. I forgot about this step, so let's fix it - cover all blue surfaces with Guilliman Blue glaze to apply a nice hue and secure it.
8. Wash the gold with Agrax Earthshade.
9. Pierwszy highlight na złocie robimy za pomocą Auric Armour Gold.
9. The first highlight is Auric Armour Gold.
10. Apply the final and subtle highlights with Runefang Steel.
11. Czas na bolter i elementy metaliczne. Najpierw używamy Natural Steel.
11. Time for the bolter and metallic parts. First use Natural Steel.
12. Wash with Nuln Oil.
13. Again apply highlihts with Runefang Steel.
14. Podkreślimy też górne krawędzie czarnej obudowy boltera. Najpierw: German Grey...
14. Let's also highlight the upper edges of black bolter casing. First: German Grey...
15. ...and then Shadow Grey.
16. You can use the same plan for the pouches, only change the colors. First Gorthor Brown...
17. ...then Agrax Earthshade...
18. ...i wreszcie Vermin Brown.
18. ...and finally Vermin Brown.
19. Let's take care of pauldron markings and the purity seal. As the base color use Ulthuan Grey.
20. Finish those parts with White Scar.
21. Ultramarine helmet lenses are usually red or green. If you go red, use Flat Red for starters. Use the same color to paint the wax seal.
22. Paint the lower arc of the lenses with Jokaero Orange (or other orange color as you see fit). Use German Grey or other grey/dark brown color to paint the writings on the parchment.
23. Wash the parchment and the seal with Agrax Earthshade. In the corners of the lenses apply tiny dots of White Scar.
24. Finish the model by securing it with matte varnish. I use Flat Clear from Tamiya.
25. W ramach wykończenia można zrobić podstawkę. Jednak w momencie powstawania tego tutoriala krążą plotki o przejściu na podstawki 32mm, więc może lepiej się nie spieszyć... :)
25. You can apply some stuff to the base at the end. However at the time this tutorial is being created there are many rumours about switching to 32mm bases, so you might want to hold off... ;)
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